Hi, Itch! I'm a musician and composer with many years in the music industry working with Grammy-winning artists, production studios, television networks, and cool creative weirdos. I'm also a lifelong game enthusiast and I'm excited to get to know developers with compatible taste. Here's a snippet of some of my original work with my band.
Game-wise, I'm a devotee of Zelda (from "It's Dangerous to go alone..." to BOTW), Final Fantasy (particularly old-school: IV, VI, VII, and IX), Chrono (both Trigger and Cross), Fire Emblem, Mario Kart, Elder Scrolls, Bravely Default, and Baldur's Gate. Epic open-world exploration and ultra-imaginative fantasy and sci-fi are my kryptonite.
I'm a performing and recording saxophonist, keyboardist, and multi-woodwindist, and I also play/record guitar, bass, and percussion for my own projects. I'm a professor of jazz and contemporary piano and composition for a cool college in Austin, TX, and I've previously lived in New York City, Dallas, and my hometown, Albuquerque NM.
Here are some websites with my music and info: